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Program Committee

Lothar Breuer
Peter Buchholz
Hans Daduna
Klaus Echtle
Bernhard Fechner
Markus Fidler
Reinhard German
Gerhard Haßlinger
Boudewijn Haverkort
Holger Hermanns
Joost-Pieter Katoen
Peter Kemper
Jörg Keller
Udo Krieger
Wolfram Lautenschläger
Axel Lehmann
Ralf Lehnert
Erik Maehle
Hermann de Meer
Michael Menth
Peter Reichl
Johannes Riedl
Francesca Saglietti
Jens Schmitt
Markus Siegle
Peter Sobe
Helena Szczerbicka
Kurt Tutschku
Oliver Waldhorst
Max Walter
Verena Wolf
Bernd Wolfinger
Katinka Wolter
Armin Zimmermann

Cooperating Partners

Society for Informatics
Technical Committee Measurment, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems


K. Fischbach, Oliver Posegga (Univ. of Bamberg):

Analysis of Social Networks


The workshop targets an audience with little or no prior experience in social network analysis (SNA). The goal of the workshop is to provide an introduction to the fundamentals of modeling and understanding social networks using SNA methodologies. Attendees will learn the basic principles of SNA and gain insight into its essential ideas and theoretical foundations. Over the course of the workshop, participants are introduced to well-known network theories and measures by discussing a selection of prominent examples of empirical research. In addition, participants are provided with simple hands-on examples, which cover the processing, computation, visualization and interpretation of social network data using R. Thus, the workshop offers a theoretical introduction to SNA and a first practical experience in analyzing empirical social network data. 

Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops with a fully prepared R environment, including the packages “igraph” and “ggplot2”.


Centron Insius St.Erhard Grossmann