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Technical Program Committee FGENET

Reinhard German,
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany


Hermann de Meer,
University of Passau, Germany


Udo Krieger,
University of Bamberg, Germany


Paul Kühn,
University of Stuttgart, Germany


Michael Menth,
University of Tübingen, Germany


Johannes Riedl,
Siemens AG Munich, Germany


Thorsten Staake,
University of Bamberg, Germany

Cooperating Partners

Society for Informatics
Technical Committee Measurment, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems

International Workshop on Demand Modeling and Quantitative Analysis of Future Generation Energy Networks and Energy-Efficient Systems


Final Program

March 19, 2014
Bamberg Germany


Download the workshops flyer including the program here


TimeWednesday, March 19, 2014
9:00 - 10:00 Session 1:

Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Future Generation Energy Networks

Chair: J. Riedl
Michael Höfling, Florian Heimgärtner, Benjamin Litfinski and Michael Menth:

A Perspective on the Future Retail Energy Market
Marco Pruckner, Christoph Thurner, Alexander Martin and Reinhard German:

A Coupled Optimization and Simulation Model for the Energy Transition in Bavaria
Peter Bazan and Reinhard German:

Hybrid Simulation Framework for Renewable Energy Generation and Storage Grids
10:00 - 10:25 Coffee Break
10:25 – 11:25 Invited Lecture

Chair: T. Staake
Ward Van Heddeghem, Sofie Lambert, Willem Vereecken, Bart Lannoo, Didier Colle, Piet Demeester and Mario Pickavet:

Modelling of the Worldwide Electricity Consumption of ICT
11:25 - 11:50 Coffee Break
11:50 – 13:10 Session 2:

Demand Modeling, Inference and Analysis of Energy Efficiency

Chair: R. German
Boudewijn R. Haverkort and Björn Postema:

Simple Models for Energy-Performance Trade-Offs in Data Centers
Jürgen Wenig and Thorsten Staake:

Evaluation of Four Possible Load Shifting Strategies for Electric Vehicles Utilizing Autoregressive Moving Average Methods for Electricity Price Forecasting
Ullrich Feuchtinger, Kolja Eger, Reinhard Frank and Johannes Riedl:

Smart Grid Communication Architecture
13:10 – 13:15 Closing Session of FGENET 2014


Centron Insius St.Erhard Grossmann